No. 76 (2022): Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education
Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education


S. Lysenko
Approaches to Training Computer Specialists in the Context of Non-Formal Education
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V. Radkevych, O. Radkevych, M. Pryhodii
Practice-oriented training of vocational teachers in renewable energy for post-war reconstruction of Ukraine
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H. Hrinchenko, V. Mykolaiko, O. Kovtun
A systematic approach to mastering green competencies: European Green Deal
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M. Pasichnyk, V. Tupchenko
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O.O. Bakumenko
Application of interactive teaching methods in the course of teaching the discipline "History of the Ancient Worldʺ
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V. Markova, V. Knіazіeva
Image of the head of an education institution
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N. Shemyhon
The task of ethics education in the context of inclusion.
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О. Kapustina
Training of future teachers in the context of the development of Ukrainian pedagogical thought
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T. Popova, S. Nechipor
Experience of conducting academic classes using distance learning technologies at Ukrainian engineering pedagogics academy (using the example of sewing profile specialties)
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L.O. Bachiieva
ʺImplementation of European experience in ensuring ethics and academic integrity in educational and research activities
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Y. Oliinyk, A. Cherniuk, K. Brovko
Developing a system of testing the knowledge of higher education students within the module «Prospects for the development of decentralized energy in Ukraine and the world» of the discipline «Distributed Generation Systems
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