In the world educational and scientific community, a clear understanding of what is interpreted as
«academic integrity» has been formed. This is a set of fundamental values that are the basis of educational
and research activities. Among them, the following should be identified: honesty, trust, justice, respect,
responsibility and others. An academic environment grounded on these values is the basis or the foundation
that promotes the development of education and science through the implementation of honesty and
integrity. Ensuring compliance with academic integrity in education is possible under the condition of
systematic work based on current recommendations and experience.
In the first chapter, based on the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On Education», the Draft Law «On
Academic Integrity», the Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights», we define the essence of the
concept of «academic integrity» and the interpretation of key terms associated with it. In the second section,
recommendations on combating academic dishonesty are presented, which include such aspects as
prevention of fraud in education; prosecuting persons who have violated the rules of academic integrity; the
flow of international cooperation to solve this problem, etc. Findings show that subjects of the educational
process have access to regulatory information on ethics and academic integrity in educational and research
activities; effective mechanisms for preventing dishonesty in education are the creation of an academic environment that promotes compliance with relevant principles. It is based on defined zero-tolerance policies
for academic and research fraud; creative, practically oriented tasks that reveal models of the specialist's
future professional activity; clearly defined and published quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating
tasks; effective interaction between the subjects of educational and research work based on the principles of
ethics. It was determined that higher education students and teaching (research and teaching) staff are
actively involved in international projects dedicated to the researched issue. The conclusions reflect scientific
generalizations of the application of European experience in ensuring ethics and academic integrity in
educational and research activities in education institutions of Ukraine.

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