General rules of registration scientific publications



  1. 1. Scientific articles that have a scientific and practical value are accepted for publication. An editorial staff accepts the articles fully prepared for publication in scientific works collection. If an article does not meet the stated demand it’s not accepted for publication.
  2. 2. An author gives into print only one scientific article in one issue of collection research papers. The decision about publication (positive or negative) is informed to the author. The article can be referring back. Manuscripts do not return to the authors.
  3. The articles that were referring back should be returned to the editorial not later than in 10 days after her/ his receiving.
  4. Scientific articles with volume not less than 20 thousand signs (including tables, graphic arts, pictures) are admited for examination, paper format – А4, orientation - book, border - left, right, top edge – 2 сm, lower edge – 2 сm., feed pitch – 2, font and size selection – 11, style – Times New Roman, Arial, paragraph – 1 сm.
  5. Formulas, pictures, tables, are inserted in text at once after reference for them. Pictures should be clearly, formulas should be written with generally accepted symbolic. The text size in illustrations is not less 10 pt.
  6. Articles should be represented accurately in the paper (2 copies) and electronic copy file in DOC, RTF, diagrams and pictures in TIFF. If the text of article including pictures has done as one document you should send file with pictures separate in addition (one picture is one separate file).
  7. You should send a package of files for the editorial office e-mail including list about:

- name of text-based editor,

- filenames,

- name of collection

- name of article,

- subdiscipline,

- the surname, first name and patronymic of authors.

  1. The editorial staff takes for publication documents in Microsoft Word the revision before 2003 year (Word 11, Microsoft Office 2003). Documents in Word 2007, Word 2010 in format docx don’t take for the publication.
  2. The editorial staff reserves the right to amend article without changing of main body. Authors of the articles are held fully liable for quotation and for authenticity of it.
  3. Language of publications: Ukrainian, English.
  4. It needs to split clearly the dash ( – ) and hyphen ( - ). You should use the same-type speech marks («…»). It is not allowed to stet the paragraph indention with gap and keyboard key Tab. Rows of texts at the limit of the paragraph don’t divide with keyboard key Enter .
  5. It is not allowed to use the syllabification. A non-breaking space is typed between initials, initial and surname. You should not paginate.
  6. The scientific collection with publishing article is sent for authors by mail or you can take it at the editorial office.




(according to requirements SSTU 7152:2010 " Publication. Registration

publications in magazines and collections ")


The materials that were given to collection must be consistent with the requirements set forth in Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine from 15.01.2003 y. №7-05/1 «About severization of requirements for professional publication that include in the list of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine», Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from the 27th of January, 2010 year. №55 «About the collating of Ukrainian alphabet into romanization » and should have the necessary background is presented in the first part of the book like that:

  1. UDC identifier (left justified alignment). UDC identifier you can define at the library site:
  2. Name of artucle (align center, printing type – bold type, big letters).
  3. Surname and author’s initials’, co-authors (printing type – bold type)
  4. An abstract (author’s resume) without word «annotation» is written in Ukrainian and English (two languages). An abstract consist of surname and author’s initials (bold italics), name of article is in quotes, text of an abstract The volume of an abstract should be not less than 1800 up tacks.
  5. Key words (bold italics) – 7-10 words in two languages – Ukrainian and English.
  6. Text of the scientific article.
  7. References should written in Ukrainian and Russian according to All-Union state standard of Ukraine 7.1-2006 (see at the library site, in English in according to international standards ( You should quote not more than 15 works in original and about 50 in reviews. The list should include publication over the last 10 years. In a particular case you can use forepart publication.
  8. References – list of reference links you should write with Roman\ Latin letters in accordance to standart Harvard (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from the 27th of January, 2010 y. №55 «About the collating of Ukrainian alphabet into romanization»).

At the site you can use services of transliteration from Ukrainian into Roman\ Latin.

At the site you can use a services for transliteration from Russian  (standard BGN)

  1. The article should be accompanied by author’s information (for every author) with two languages (Ukrainian and English).
  2. An author’s information includes:

- name of article

- the surname, first full name and patronymic

- date of birth

- science degree, academic status

- place of work (in English – full name of organization)

- occupation

- identifier ORCID (see at the library site:

- address for service, phone number, e-mail

- address for author's copy sending.

At the end of the author’s information you should write:  «This article was not published and was not sent for other publishers». «I’ve no objection to provide public access to full text of my article at the site of  the National library of Ukraine named by V.I. Vernadskyi, for the abstract database «Ukrainka naukova» and to the full-text database «Naukova periodika Ukrainyi», to the site of .






Articles with maximum concretize ideas in abstract are admitted for publication. On a compositional level an abstract can be created with principle IMRAD (Introduction, Methods (Methodology), Results and Discussion):

Timeliness – rationale. Aim – purpose and objectives of research.

Methods (important issues in research methodology) – findings about when, where, how researchers were carried out; what kind of information was made use of, what types of methods you take into account; who was in your testing group.

Results – main conclusions (specifics), results obtained in experimental studies.

Perspective – information about how available from experiments correlates with conclusion of other scientists, what are research perspectives, concepts of further work, difficulties.  

It is widely the world practice accepted that abstracts writing (in English resume or abstract) not only a structural component of own scientific article and along scientific form that has the aim to put in touch with gist and content of research in the most general terms.

An abstract should consist of important facts of work and should not overplay or have absent information in the main part of publication.

Details that are in the caption should not be repeated in the text of abstract.  Don’t use abbreviation and Type Codes.

You should not write references to the publication number in abstract. 

Method or methodology of work performance should be described if it has a difference in scientific novelty or development has a separate part of work. At the report of documents that describe experiment way you should specify sources of data or processing way.

Results of work you should describe with fine-grained and informative. You should provide main theoretical and experimental results, experimental data, identified relating and regularity.  This case the advantage gets new results and long-term meaning facts, important developments, conclusions that overturn presents theory and also facts that have a practical importance in the author's opinion.

Conclusions are able to contain recommendations, marks, propositions, hypothesis reported in the article.

You should avoid superfluous preliminary like as «an author reviews at the article».  Historical notes withholding a main body of document, the description of publishing research work before and well-known positions don’t point in the abstract.

In the text of abstract you should use syntactic constructions appropriate of language scientific and technical documents and avoid complicated grammatical structure (not use in the scientific English).

The volume of text is determined of the content of publication (the volume of information, scientific value or\ and  practical importance), but it should be not less than 1800 up tacks..

An example of abstract (the Ukrainian language):

The best part of plans for mainstreaming changes that have basis in innovation or stop short of practical realization or provide as little benefit as was planning …….. The mechanism is suggested in the article …, based on the analyze... The investigation are supported by code of practice and  procedures that have series of methods and using of it is allowed to … Methods  may include: ….The result of author’s developing methods … is a offering ….., that in the conceptual basis is oriented on … looking for ways will accelerate a realization.., in the last result it lead …




In accordance with Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine from 15.01.2003 y. №7-05/1 «About severization of requirements for professional publication that include in the list of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine», text of article should be with an indication of the next elements:

- problem statement in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical activities;

- analysis of latest discoveries and publications where the decision of this problem is founded and author writes about, demerger from unsolved earlier parts of general issue the marked article is dedicated that;

- formulation of the article’s aims (problem definition);

- exposition of the basic research material with the full substantiation available from scientific results;

- conclusions of this research and prospects for the development in this way.

A special aspects of scientific article style

Very often authors who declare an address to the scientific problematics use the publicistic style of exposition. The mixture style is unjustified because the creation of quality intellectual product cannot be associated with a publicism in any form. Publicism and science are two valuable, important for community development, but quite different spheres of intellectual self-expression. Thus, beginning from the stage of understanding information collection and ending the forms of exposition of those conceptions and ideas to that an author reached as a result of research it is necessary clearly and expressly to  focus on accepted scientific standard of arguing level and style of material exposition.

In this case you should remember that the article doesn’t have unsupported thesis and conception; all ideas were in the well-formed and reasonable interrelation; an author strained after maximal objectivity and search of the science truths, devoid of pressure ideology and emotions.


You should add 2 lists after article:

Reference list (it is an ordinary list of literature) and References (list for international database, you should write Ukrainian\Russian date with the support of transliteration (, and sources are duplicated in English from a list "Reference list"). It is necessary in description of document in Reference List and References to bring in all authors, not abbreviating a list to three, as it is recommended by functional  state standard.

Rules for References transliterated in the Romanic alphabet (Roman alphabet) The correct description of the using sources in the lists of literature (References) is the formula for success of cited publication. It takes into account during the evaluation of authors’ scientific activity, thus, (in chain order) – the activity of organization, region, country.

The quotation of magazine determined the scientific level, authoritativeness, efficiency of editorial staff activity and so on. It says that the most important in bibliographic references are authors’ last names and name of journal. It is necessary in the list of article to include all last names of authors not abbreviating it to three, four and so on.

For the description of the Ukrainian-language and Russian-language articles from magazines we recommend this variant of bibliographic references structure in References:

  • authors’ the surname, first name and patronymic (transliteration);
  • name of article in transliteration and translation
  • name of article in English in square brackets [ ];
  • name of source (transliteration) and translation of the name of source in English[ ];
  • raw data with meaning in English or only digital (the last is depending on the used description standard).

An example of description standard from a journal:

  1. Bykov, VYu 2013, ‘Khmarna kompyuterno-tekhnolohichna platforma vidkrytoyi osvity ta vidpovidnyy rozvytok orhanizatsiyno-tekhnolohichnoyi budovy IT-pidrozdiliv navchalnykh zakladiv’, Teorija i praktika upravlenija socialnymi sistemami,  no. 1,  < Nauko-va_periodyka/Tipuss/ 2013_1/Byk.pdf>.
  2. Bohachkov, YuM, Bykov, VYu, Pinchuk, OP & Manako, AF 2012, Orhanizatsiya seredovyshcha dystantsiynoho navchannya v serednikh zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh zakladakh, Pedahohichna dumka, Kyyiv.