Plagiarism policy

The Journal Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education accepts only publications of materials with original research results.

The authors who submit manuscripts to publication in the journal Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education  confirm that the article was written self-penned and nowhere was published, it was not submitted to publication in other journals too.

The Journal Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education  uses the following software to identify text borrowings in submitted manuscripts: eTXT, Antiplagiat.

Manuscripts where plagiarism or text borrowings without references to the original source were detected are rejected by the editorial board.

The forms of plagiarism include:

  1. Using any materials without references to the original source
  2. Using materials without written permission of authors or copyright owners who prohibit the using of their materials without special permission.
  3. Using any graphic materials, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, charts without attribution


The forms of incorrect borrowings contain: 


  • absence of graphical defining (in quotation marks) totally cited text if there are references to the sources;
  • excessive citation (if there are references to sources and graphical defining of cited texts), the number of which is not justified by article genre and purpose;
  • incorrect reference to sources or incomplete bibliographic description structure, which impedesto its identification;
  • reference to the original cited text without clear indication to this fact (error by defining the source);
  • absence of in-text citation to sources which are specified in the list of priorities;


Open Access Policy

The Editorial Board of the Journal Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education 

is guided to the rules and principles of the international organization Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);its policy is based on recommendations of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). All articles are placed on the fact of issue formation, termless and free of charge. Full-text access to scientific articles of the journal is presented in real time on the official journal website in the section Archives and on the international Internet resources (including the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky, K). Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or reference to the full article texts in this journal without asking permission from the publisher or authors if they do not break the copyright law.