Taking into account the peculiarities of the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine and
constant missile attacks on the city of Kharkiv, face-to-face training in this city is currently impossible.
Therefore, in fact, distance learning is becoming the main form of education in the city of Kharkiv.
Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (UEPA) has chosen the Moodle platform for distance learning,
the use of which allows students to stay and study in a safe environment, provides access to the necessary
educational and methodological literature in the electronic form at a time convenient for learning, expands
the opportunities for independent work of students, and ensures constant monitoring of their knowledge and
skills through the use of online testing tools, independent practical assignments, etc. In addition to distance
learning, the Google Meets service on the Google browser is used to ensure communication between
students and teachers during lectures, practical, laboratory and seminar classes. A distance learning course
for any discipline consists of informational and practical blocks. The information block includes news and
announcements, a brief description of the course, its curriculum, evaluation criteria, information about the author of the course, links to printed Internet sources and other literature sources necessary to do the course
according to the electronic catalog of the library of UEPA. The practical block contains sections where
various tasks are presented, for example, laboratory and practical assignments, materials for seminar classes
and related topics, workbooks and tasks for conducting laboratory classes, control tasks and tests. In
addition, methodological recommendations, lecture abstracts and presentations, etc. are offered for students’
consideration. Feedback between students and the teacher within a distance learning course is carried out
with the help of the "Assignment" tool, which is used to ensure the submission of any completed work
electronically. The teacher examines the received materials and assigns points or returns them with the
indicated shortcomings for revision, which is also provided for in distance learning. The results of the
assessment of students’ achievements are recorded in the electronic journal. Therefore, the experience of
using distance learning at UEPA is valuable, as it makes it possible to fully implement the educational
process in accordance with the curricula and training programs, and foster the development of the necessary
competences indicated in the programs.

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