The article reveals the specifics of the application of the project method in the study of the Ukrainian
language by foreign students as a technology that involves a set of research, search, and problem-solving
methods used in the joint activity of a teacher and a student. It is noted that when learning Ukrainian as a
foreign language, it is traditionally accepted to proceed from the understanding of the language as an
activity; therefore, the very process of language learning should become an active activity of the student.
Today, the task of transitioning the existing traditional system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to
a project-based way of organizing the educational process is becoming more and more obvious. The main
goal of learning a foreign language is the development of skills necessary for the effective use of the
language in the conditions of real everyday communication.
It is noted that the production of oral speech is associated with a number of psychological factors that
can significantly complicate this process. One of these factors is the increased excitement of students,
therefore, the creation of a favorable atmosphere in classes, comfortable and understandable working
conditions, as well as the use of a wide variety of stimuli that positively affect the motivation and
imagination of students, are the most important tasks of the teacher. According to the author, it is the project
method that meets these requirements and helps to build a process of interaction between higher education
students and teachers based on cooperation and pedagogical support. At all stages of project implementation,
prerequisites are created for the application of a system-activity approach to learning, which contributes to
the development of students' creative abilities. It has been proven that the purpose of learning the Ukrainian
language is to prepare foreign students to improve all components of foreign language communicative
competence, which is the main condition not only for obtaining higher education, but also for intercultural
communication in general. It is carried out according to a program based on modules, which include the
main topics provided for study within the framework of the foundation course, and sub-topics which provide
for a more in-depth study of some important aspects within the framework of the core modules. The project
method allows students to develop the ability to independently conduct research in a given field, which will
help them in the future to implement more complex projects in their professional activities.

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