Taking into account the role of standardization in industrial development, the global and local
economy formation, a demand has arisen for a deeper understanding of its processes by both engineers and
non-technical specialists in order to create a constructive dialogue between various experts. This idea is
facilitated by ISO, CEN, UNECE, which have issued documents in support of studying the standardization
issues in education institutions as well as related recommendations. In this regard, a unified document should
be developed in Ukraine that would help implement the European experience of organizing education in the
standardization sphere, namely, the concept of higher education development. The developed concept has
terminological, philosophical, scientific, methodological and regulatory fundamentals. The concept
comprises the defined education goal in the standardization sphere for specialists in standardization and other
areas. It has been revealed that the problem that needs to be addressed lies in the inconsistency of the
education content on standardization with European and international recommendations, its interdisciplinary
context, innovation processes, an increase in the complexity of products and systems, new dynamically
developing markets. Along with this, the manifestations of this issue have been also identified. The Reiland
models, sustainable development, adaptive and interdisciplinary approaches to the choice of training
modules have been proposed as the principles for the concept implementation. It has been proposed to create a sectoral qualification system as one of the ways and means of solving the problem, as well as develop
systems of external and internal quality assurance for training specialists, attract stakeholders, modernize the
education content, and develop post-formal education. The results of the implementation of the developed
concept are expected as follows: the formed education system in the standardization sphere, the developed
partnership of stakeholders, improved quality and practical orientation of specialists’ training, increased
competitiveness of graduates in the labor market, stepped-up involvement of enterprises, specialists and
other interested parties in technical regulation at the national level and, as a result, an increase in the
influence of Ukrainian representatives on international processes of technical regulation. Further
investigations should be directed towards developing practical recommendations for the implementation of
the concept in higher education of Ukraine.

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