Professional training of future engineers in the context of market orientation of engineering activities

Ключові слова

business model
the concept of engineering marketing
special training
economic training
vocational training

Як цитувати

Kovalska, V. (2018). Professional training of future engineers in the context of market orientation of engineering activities. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (54-55), 28–33. вилучено із


The article is dedicated to the problem of professional training of future engineers in accordance with market orientation of engineering activities. The present paper confirms the need to improve the professional training of engineering and technical profile specialists by means of system integration of its professional and economic components on the basis of the concept of engineering marketing.

This concept helps to carry out in a very systematic way some scientific, technical, organizational, production, economic and social tasks on the basis of applying knowledge in the goods actually needed on the market through market-oriented engineering solutions at all stages of planning, design, manufacturing and operation of products. The business model of engineering marketing is presented. This model includes the following blocks: people, product, production, price, promotion, public relations, place, provider, and processing.