The article characterizes the theoretical aspects of the problem of formation readiness to organize
preschool children’s constructive activity of using LEGO-technology in the modern educational content of a
higher education institution. Some requirements are presented for the student, among which the ability to
acquire new knowledge and skills, learn pedagogical technologies, create an educational environment
according to individual, age, gender, children’s psychophysiological characteristics etc.
Based on the pedagogical approaches of scientific studies, the author’s interpretation of the concept
preschool child’s constructive activity is revealed. LEGO-technology is defined as one of the aspects of its
activation. It has been proved that there is no complete definition of this concept in the scientific literature,
but there are determinations of such definitions as «LEGO-construction», «LEGO-constructor», «LEGOpedagogy». The educational potential of LEGO-technology has been determined.
It has been established that readiness is the initial condition for the implementation of this or that
activity. Special attention is paid to the understanding of readiness as a professional personality trait. The
education seekers’ readiness of the pedagogical profile to organize the preschool children’s constructive
activity of using LEGO-technology is presented as an integrated quality of the education seeker’s personality,
which is characterized by sustainable values, orientations and positive motivation of the specialist, acquired
competencies in designing and organizing constructive activity of children based on the educational
opportunities of LEGO-technology and is the result of professional training at a higher education institution.
It has been revealed the criteria, on which the teachers of the higher education institution are oriented
to the investigation of the processes of formation of the education seekers’ readiness of the pedagogical
profile to organize preschool children’s constructive activity of using LEGO-technology. The following
criteria are defined: motivational, cognitive, technological and reflective. Each criterion is characterized and
represented by the relevant indicators.

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