Ukraine, like the rest of the world, is experiencing rapid technological change, which is leading to a
widening gap between the demand for skills in the professional market and the availability of these skills
among qualified personnel. The existence of such a gap may indicate that higher education is not keeping
up with these changes. The purpose of the study was to identify ways to improve the formation of the
necessary skills by the higher education system and to study the level of awareness of key professional
skills among students.
Using the analysis of scientific literature on this issue, it was found that today there is no single
classification and hierarchy of skills, but despite the differences in classifications, definitions and
methodological approaches, the analysis of sources shows that a modern specialist must have a certain set of
skills to be successful in the labor market. Analyzing different classifications of professional skills that will be
relevant in the next decade, it was found that each of them has almost the same set of components that make up
them, only their places change. Researchers propose different ways to develop the necessary skills. Some scholars focus on the external parameters of education, namely, changes in educational programs and state
educational policy. Another area that will help improve the development of key skills, according to researchers,
should be the introduction of new forms, methods, and technologies of teaching in educational institutions.
A study of the level of awareness of key skills by students was conducted, which showed a gap
between the optimal set of skills and the perception of them by students. We can observe a shift in the
preferences of students towards technological skills, and at the same time a lack of awareness of the
importance of so-called soft skills. Taken together, these are the skills needed to achieve professional and life
success and are an indicator of human capital. The results confirm the need for targeted development of the
key skills required by workers today in the process of vocational training in order to improve the relevance
of education and training to the requirements of the professional market.

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