The article deals with the study of rhetorical competence as a professionalism key component of future
historians-guides, the stages of its formation and their content are discussed. The definitions of the "rhetoric",
"eloquence", "oratory"basic terms, which in the context of the study are used as synonyms and explained as
the science of persuasion by means of language, are clarified; the concepts of "rhetorical culture", "rhetorical
activity", "rhetorical skills" are also analyzed.
The understanding of rhetorical competence as a complex set of rhetorical knowledge, practical skills,
ways of critical and creative thinking, which determines the ability of future specialists to successfully and
effectively interact with other subjects of communication, to achieve professional and life success is proposed. It is emphasized that rhetorical competence can be considered formed if students know the
scientific foundations of public speaking; methods of preparing a public speech; the main criteria for
evaluating a public speech; means of active verbal influence on the audience; be able to prepare and deliver a
speech, taking into account all aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication; take into account the
composition of the audience when preparing and delivering a speech; have the skills to communicate with
the audience; analyze the structural construction of the speech; characterize the rhetorical devices used in the
speech; evaluate and analyze the speeches listened to.
The formation of the rhetorical competence of history students studying the "Local History and
Tourism Work" educational and professional program is traced on the material of the "Eloquence in the
Professional Activity of a Historian-Guide"elective discipline, which aims to improve the skills of effective
professional communication; to cultivate a sense of responsibility for one's own speech actions, speech
culture; to promote awareness of the rhetorical foundations of the historian-guide speech. The preparatory,
communicative, control and reflection stages of rhetorical competence formation are considered in detail.
It is emphasized that the formation of rhetorical competence is a necessary and important component
in the training of history students. Mastering rhetorical competence will allow them to argue their own
opinion, persuade, skillfully use the word, and therefore succeed in their future professional activities.

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