The modern education system needs to revise its content to ensure humanistic and humanitarian
measurements of the existence of the individual, its socio-spiritual values, activities in nature and society.
The essential characteristic of such a reflection is a holistic picture of the world and a person in it, in
harmony of the spiritual and physical development of the individual, in the formation of a health-preserving
style of behavior of the individual in particular.
The article offers an analysis of the available theoretical material and coverage of the problematic
range of the concepts of "health", "way of life", "lifestyle" and "healthy lifestyle", which are key importance
for further research.
As a result of the analysis of scientific intelligence from a pedagogical point of view, we consider
health not as a fixed phenomenon, but as the development of the subject position of the individual in relation
to his own health, which allows realizing his own resource potential in the educational process.
It has been proven that the process of preserving a person's health directly depends on the quality of
the conditions in which life is carried out, that is, on the way of life. By the way of life in most cases, we understand a steady, stable way of human life in certain socio-ecological conditions, which is manifested in
the norms of communication, behavior and thinking.
The definition of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" in a broad and narrow sense is formulated.
The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to establish that a healthy lifestyle should be
understood as a system of human actions and states that involve self-creating activity, in relation to oneself
and the surrounding world.
It is concluded that a health-saving style of behaviour is a system of actions and states of a person,
characterised by a certain level of valeological knowledge, motivational and value orientations, physical
culture, social and spiritual values, worldview attitudes and involve self-creative activity, in relation to
oneself and the surrounding world by means of emotional and volitional manifestations in practical support
of physical, psychological and spiritual security of the individual and development of his potential.

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