The article is devoted to the practice of using active methods and modern learning technologies as
instrumentation for developing skills and forming competencies, in particular technical and technological
ones, necessary for future bachelors of vocational education in the «Transport» major for their successful
professional activity. The author compares the basic concepts and defines the relationship between the
concepts of «educational technologies», «pedagogical technologies» and «learning technologies», etc. It is
noted that the key structural element of learning technology is the method as a tool for interaction between
participants in the educational process. According to modern views of didacticians, it is recognized that the
differentiation of learning methods should be based on the criterion of «the nature of interaction between
teacher and students». The article characterizes interactive teaching methods as a way of organizing the
learning process, acquiring knowledge, skills, and developing the necessary competencies in joint activities
through dialogue, polylogue of students with each other and with the teacher. Two groups of interactive learning methods are highlighted: group and frontal. Group methods and forms include: work in pairs,
«carousel», aquarium; frontal methods include: «microphone», brainstorming, discussion, case method, etc.
It is noted that the skillful combination of innovative forms and active learning methods allows teachers to
use a variety of modern learning technologies in the process of forming the technical and technological
competence of bachelors of vocational education in the «Transport» major. The practice of using modern
learning technologies, namely contextual learning, critical thinking, problem-based learning, game
technologies, project technology and distance learning technologies, in the study of professional subjects of
motor transport profile by bachelors of vocational education, project creation and various types of practical
internship is characterized. It is concluded that the use of active methods and modern learning technologies
in the training of vocational teachers of motor transport can significantly improve the quality of higher
education, ensure the intellectual and creative development of higher education students, the formation of
general and professional competencies of specialists necessary for their successful future activities, learning
and self-improvement throughout life.

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