The article presents the results of the analysis of distance learning technology, which is used in higher
education institutions of Ukraine in conditions of military aggression. An analysis of the compliance of the
new distance learning technology with the main methodological approaches to which the educational process
should comply, taking into account the current requirements for its organization, was carried out. The main
idea is the need to use the requirements of a systematic, person-oriented and competency-based approach in
The results of the analysis of the changes that have taken place in the education system since 2020
are presented as the reaction of the education system to external requirements for the quality of the
educational process. The factors that contributed to the emergence of new approaches to the organisation of
the educational process are analysed. Quarantine restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as
military aggression, were identified as such factors.
Based on a comparison of the procedure for the introduction of a new technology of distance
learning with the distance technology of the organising the educational process known at the end of the 20th
century, their general similarity has been established. The compliance of the new distance learning
technology with the basic requirements of systemic, person-oriented and competence-based approaches to
the organization of the educational process has been proven. An analysis of the components of the new
distance learning technology was carried out.
Among the new properties of distance learning technology are those that provide an opportunity to
obtain quality education in the new conditions of professional training. New approaches to the organization
of the educational process using distance learning technology have been identified. They consist of a
combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Based on the study of the peculiarities of the
organising the educational process in institutions of higher education, it is established that students have the
opportunity to use online and offline learning. The specific properties of the new technology of distance
learning effectively ensure the formation of an individual educational trajectory of students. They give
students the opportunity to choose a convenient time for studying and to combine work and study. The use of
remote communication and e-mail makes it possible to quickly get advice from the teacher.

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