In article such education forms relevant today as education dual and education design are considered.
The detailed analysis of scientific works and practice of the higher education allowed to state lack of their
comparative analysis, criteria of the choice of this or that option of training, expediency of use of each option
according to specific conditions and the identity of the applicant of education. All this did not become a
subject of a careful psychology and pedagogical research yet.
According to a goal and tasks in article the characteristic of dual and design education was provided,
their features are considered, merits and demerits of everyone from these trajectories of education are
defined. On this basis the conclusion was drawn that the system of dual preparation is based on partnership
of the enterprises (organizations) and educational institutions: the enterprises provide base (a workplace, the
equipment, the skilled practicing mentor, etc.), and a higher educational institution - controls the immersion
course in a profession and gives the main knowledge. Design education suits future researchers and scientists, innovators, people with considerable professional imagination and thorough scientific preparation
more. No format of training of applicants of education does without teachers, but in dual education the
teacher performs functions of the mentor, partially - the tutor, and it assists in design training to the
maximum development of applicants of education, performing functions of the consultant and mentor,
researcher, mentor.
The carried-out comparison defined that in the systems of dual and design training there is a large
number of coincidence, however there are also essential differences. Common features for both education
systems is the fact that within dual and design education any applicant of education does not do without
performance of written works: term papers, reports on practice and the degree project which will be surely in
an arsenal of each trajectory of education.
It is defined that the perspective direction of further researches of this perspective is studying of a
ratio of the state needs for the experts trained on both education systems because hardly future scientists it is
necessary for the national economy as much, how many and experts experts who are capable to work at a
factory and in algoritmizirovanny areas of services. Also there would be expedient a research of
opportunities of professional retraining of experts who got a dual education earlier, within design training
and vice versa.

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