In article modern researches on problems of professional self-development of the personality are
analysed. The detailed analysis of scientific works and practice of professional education allowed to state
lack of system teoretiko-methodical ensuring training of future teachers of vocational education for
professional self-development that promoted emergence of a certain number of contradictions. It agrees the
object set in article definition of professional self-development of the teacher of vocational education
according to which it is purposeful process of self-realization of his personality by formation and further
improvement of knowledge, abilities, skills the and also professional and personal qualities necessary for
successful activities for the organization, design and realization of educational process in institutions of
professional (professional) education and production and technological process at the enterprises and in the
organizations was given. The author drew a valid conclusion that the structure of readiness for professional
self-development of the teacher of vocational education has to contain 5 components: 1) self-determination;
2) self-assessment; 3) self-organization; 4) self-government; 5) self-improvement. For each of these
components the set of criteria by which it is possible to determine level formation of each component of the
specified readiness was defined. Results of the analysis of psychology and pedagogical literature, gave the chance to come to a conclusion that readiness of future teacher of vocational education for professional selfdevelopment is multidimensional personal education, and its functioning can be treated as unity of the
certain functional components connected among themselves: 1) motivational and valuable; 2) cognitive and
activity; 3) reflexive and estimated. It is defined, shcho the perspective direction of further researches of this
perspective is studying information and education the environment and conditions under which professional
self-development of the teacher of vocational education is carried out, both during receiving professional
pedagogical education, and during independent professional and pedagogical activity.

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