The article is devoted to planning the professional development of a teacher of vocational training. The
article focuses attention on the importance of compliance of teachers of professional training, engaged in
training qualified personnel for the economy of Ukraine, to the requirements of today. It is noted that it is
possible to ensure compliance with today's requirements thanks to the constant development of teachers of
professional training.
It was determined that the relevance of the professional development of a vocational training teacher is
determined by rapid changes in the field of education and technology, the constant development of new
training methods, and the use of modern training technologies.
The issues of training and professional development of a teacher of vocational training are outlined in
accordance with the professional standard "Teacher of vocational training" and "Procedure for improving the
qualifications of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers".
The definition of the concept of "professional development" and its influence on the trajectory of
professional development and career building by a vocational education teacher are characterized.
The Diary of professional development of a teacher of vocational training is proposed as a document
that allows you to plan your professional development and outline a plan of action. The work functions and
professional competences defined by the professional standard "Vocational Education Teacher" are the basis
for the development of the Diary. The main purpose of the Vocational Teacher's Professional Development
Diary is to systematize and track the main aspects of professional growth. The article considers the main
aspects of planning such development, in particular, defining goals, choosing methods and means, as well as
overcoming possible obstacles. Practical tips on prioritizing professional development, using resources, and
engaging in support are discussed.
It is emphasized that the Diary of professional development is a tool that helps the teacher to define his
goals, plan actions to achieve them, reflect on his own professional development, as well as analyze and
improve his pedagogical practice.
The article calls on teachers of vocational training to constantly improve themselves and use
opportunities to improve their qualifications.

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