The article deals with the topical issue of forming pedagogical competencies in engineers-pedagogues,
since these competencies ensure the successful fulfillment of their professional duties related to the
organization and implementation of the educational process in vocational education institutions and the
training of a new generation of qualified specialists.
The author characterizes the regulatory requirements for the competencies of engineer-pedagogues
contained in the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in the specialty 015 “Vocational Education (by
Specialization)”. A review of scientific research on the formation of scientific knowledge about the essence of
the professional competence of an engineer-pedagogue and its structure, its role in the process of becoming an
engineer-pedagogue, as well as the formation of individual professional competencies of engineers-pedagogues
is made. Attention is focused on the research of scientists who substantiate the need to allocate a pedagogical
component in the structure of the professional competence of an engineer-pedagogue and define the conceptual
provisions for designing a system of pedagogical training of future engineers-pedagogues.
The concept of “pedagogical competence” and key aspects that reveal its meaning in detail are
characterized. The list of special (professional) competencies defined by the Standard of Higher Education of
Ukraine in the specialty 015 “Vocational Education (by Specialization)” is analyzed and those that are pedagogical are highlighted. Attention is focused on the aspects that reveal in detail the content of each
pedagogical competence.
It is proved that the process of forming the pedagogical competencies of an engineer-teacher takes
place through specialized training, practical experience, continuous professional development and support of
the professional environment. The factors that impede the effective formation of professional pedagogical
competencies of an engineer-pedagogue are presented and assumptions are made about the use of modern
interactive technologies in the training of engineers-pedagogues, which will overcome these obstacles,
improve educational programs and increase the motivation of students.

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