The article examines a way to solve the problem of the need to improve the quality of graduates of
vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions, accelerate their adaptation at work and increase
employers' responsibility for the training of workers. The dual system of vocational education allows to solve
this problem and problems which follow from it. However, measurement of quality of education in the course
of dual training of future workers still did not become the relevant direction of pedagogical researches yet.
According to a goal in article process of formation of dual system of professional education in independent
Ukraine was considered, qualimetrical modeling of quality of dual system of professional education of future
gas welders is carried out, expert estimation of quality of dual system of professional education of future gas welders is carried out to KZO "Pershotravensky Mountain Lyceum" by means of qualimetrical modeling for
what there was a developed factorial and criteria model of estimation of quality of education of future gas
welder. Implementation of expert estimation of quality of dual system of professional education of future gas
welders happened by filling on each graduate of educational group of future gas welders with experts from
educational institution (lyceum) and from the enterprise of columns of factorial and criteria model. On this
basis certain results which demonstrate that the average value of the estimates of quality of education on
educational group provided from experts from the enterprise exceeds the similar values provided from experts
who work in lyceum a little were received: 0,76 against 0,72, respectively. It can be explained with the fact that
experts from the enterprise paid attention to practical skills more, and experts from educational institution,
except practical skills, also considered the level of theoretical preparation. The author drew a valid conclusion
that the expert estimation of quality of dual education which is carried out to KZO "Pershotravensky Mountain
Lyceum" executed on the basis of factorial and criteria model gave an opportunity to state its efficiency and
objectivity as a divergence between estimates of experts from production and from educational institution 5%
of the error accepted for pedagogical researches do not go beyond.

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