In the context of economic and business globalization, the expansion of opportunities to enhance
professional competencies is crucial. One of the key factors contributing to this is the internationalization of
modern engineering education. The article emphasizes the importance of social and humanitarian skills,
including foreign language communicative competence. These competencies are reflected in the quality criteria
of engineering education, established by international councils and organizations that accredit educational
programs of engineering universities and certify the level of training of their graduates. Incorporating
communicative coaching into engineering education not only enables students to enhance their technical skills,
but also empowers them to effectively communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries. This approach
empowers future engineering specialists to not only excel in their technical fields but also navigate the
intricacies of a globalized workforce. The authors argue that communicative coaching is an effective method
for developing foreign language communicative competence in future engineering specialists.
The authors thoroughly analyze this coaching method from the standpoint of modern and innovative
educational tools, which seamlessly incorporate the principles of contextual learning into a professionally
focused educational setting. Training technologies are developed based on key principles of game modeling,
which include the use of effective exercises, creating associations, encouraging communication, and achieving
desired outcomes. This approach strikes a balance by incorporating both traditional and innovative simulation
teaching methods. Taking into account the specifics of engineering activity and the list of professionally
important qualities necessary for the future engineer to ensure effective professional interaction and develop the
culture of professional communication, the authors conclude in the article that it is advisable to combine and
use elements of communicative training, socio-psychological and practical-professional training for this
purpose. The application of professional-communicative coaching in universities, which provides the
development of professionally important qualities and the implementation of integrative content in the
professional training of future engineers, is aimed at the formation of future specialists' volitional qualities,
communicative tolerance, empathy, communicative and organizational aptitudes, self-regulation and
communicative control. Through the integration of communicative training, socio-psychological training, and
practical-professional training, professional-communicative coaching in universities fosters the development of
crucial qualities in future engineers. These qualities encompass volition, communicative tolerance, empathy, as
well as communicative and organizational aptitudes, resulting in enhanced self-regulation and communicative
control for aspiring specialists. Ultimately, the objective is to shape a profound culture of professional
communication and promote effective professional interaction among future engineers.

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