The paper deals with the analysis of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice, which
considers the concepts of "hardiness" and "professional hardiness". It has been highlighted that hardiness is
an integral personal trait, which is responsible for the success of a person's coping with the difficulties of life.
It has been determined that in the classical version, hardiness consists of the following elements:
transformational coping; sustainable attitude towards the surrounding people; hardiness guidelines:
commitment, control, challenge. Focusing attention on the professional context of the studied concept,
domestic scientists introduce the concept of "professional hardiness", form and apply methods for
determining its level among a wide range of specialists of various specialties. It has been determined that the
practice of forming professional hardiness involves the use of psychodiagnostics, group discussions, roleplaying games, modeling, psychotherapeutic techniques, etc. Examples of practice that involve the formation
of professional hardiness through professional self-realization and the development of a "project of one's
own professional development" in the environment of "life and professional space" have been highlighted.
The research method is the study and analysis of psychological-pedagogical theory and practice in
defining the essence of the concept, its structure and methods of its formation among specialists of various
specialties. This has led to the conclusion that in the modern practice of professional hardiness there are
almost no methods that form the specified quality in a professional context.
This work has presented the idea that the formation of professional hardiness should be carried out
during studying at an educational institution on the basis of the development of two components: a system of
hardiness guidelines (general professional qualities) and mastering the methods of professional activity in the
conditions of a changing life and professional space through structuring and working out professional risks
according to the structure of professional activity (technique (set of equipment), technology (technological
process); organization, management and economy, labor protection; ecology; legal issues of the industry).

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