The article presents the method of forming an individual educational trajectory of computer
specialists in the conditions of informal education. The impact of digitization rates on the development of
technology and equipment is highlighted, which led to the formation of a key trend of educational policy -
lifelong learning. It has been proven that one of the mechanisms of its implementation is involvement in
the system of non-formal education. The peculiarities of the professional activity of computer specialists
are outlined, which motivate them to constant professional and personal development in accordance with
the requirements of dynamic changes in the content and technologies of work. Attention is paid to the
characteristics of informal education and it is determined that its key feature is the student's independent
choice of content, forms and methods of acquisition, respectively, the development of an individual
educational path. The analysis of sources of information regarding the definition of the essence and
structure of an individual educational trajectory was carried out. The method of its formation through the
implementation of the following stages is presented: determination of the goal of educational activity,
means of achieving it and correlation of one's capabilities, needs, and qualities with the requirements of
the goal; formation of a priority complex of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professionally
important qualities that must be formed; determination of possible ways of obtaining education; analysis
of possible results of informal education according to indicators (general satisfaction with the learning
process, promotion of career development, development of professional competence and formation of
professionally important qualities).
The research method was the study and analysis of publications on the problem of developing an
individual educational trajectory. The work shows the components of the methods of forming the individual
final trajectory of specialists in a computer profile, so specialists of the specified profile will find useful
theoretical and practical recommendations for use in their educational activities.

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