The article deals with cognitive independence as the highest form of activity and consciousness of
students in the learning process, their readiness for independent cognitive activity in their future professional
life in various fields of production.
A historical and pedagogical analysis of the emergence and formation of the concept of "cognitive
independence" as a separate phenomenon of pedagogical science is carried out, based on the analysis of
philosophical, terminological, psychological and pedagogical literature and scientific works. The article
identifies the peculiarities in the formation of the concept of "cognitive independence" at each historical
stage, and provides a comparative characterization of the development of cognitive independence in
domestic and foreign pedagogy.
The article outlines the common and distinctive features in the definition of the concept of "cognitive
independence" at each historical stage of its development, identifies and characterizes the mandatory factors
for the development of cognitive independence, such as interest, initiative and perseverance.
It is noted that the concept of "cognitive independence" in the modern context is considered as a
multidimensional personal formation, which is expressed in the need for a person to perform new actions to
obtain new knowledge through cognitive activity, the ability to synthesize cognitive motives and methods of
independent behavior, in self-regulation of cognitive activity.
The views of scientists who define cognitive independence as an integrative dynamic quality of a
personality that requires a systematic approach to its analysis are studied, as well as their reasoned evidence
that cognitive independence can be optimal only if it is initiated by teachers.
The requirements for the organization of the educational process, compliance with which will allow
the formation of cognitive independence in students in the learning process, are characterized: increasing
tasks for independent work, including creative learning tasks in the learning process, creating problem
situations, using creative and research methods of teaching, implementing the principles of collaborative
pedagogy, developing students' ability to work with various information sources.
The main features on the basis of which it can be argued that a student has formed cognitive
independence are identified: awareness of the importance and necessity of the learning process itself, the
ability to learn, cognitive abilities and the ability to independently form an individual learning style.

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