The purpose of the project is to develop, adapt and implement a qualimetric model of future
engineers-teachers’ professional competency.
The actuality of the work is due to the need to carry out a practical assessment of the quality of
vocational and pedagogical training, which requires a detailed model of the competency of a future engineerteacher. Existing higher education standards serve as such a model today. However, they do not allow to take
into account all the nuances of the professional and pedagogical training of a future engineer-teacher and to
carry out quality assessment of certain competencies that he or she should acquire during the study at the
higher education institution.
Tasks of the research: 1) to analyze the standards of professional training of bachelors and masters in
specialty 015 «Vocational Education» (by specializations); 2) to develop a qualimetric model of professional
competency of a future engineer-teacher; 3) to create a system for monitoring of the professional competency
of future engineers-teachers using the developed qualimetric model and, based on its results, to determine a
set of training sessions to compensate the gaps in the professional training of future engineers-teachers.
The main result of the work is the developed qualimetric model of professional competency of a
future engineer-teacher, which is based on the current standards of professional training of bachelors and
masters in specialty 015 «Vocational Education» (by specializations), which makes it a legitimate basis for
assessing the competency of both future and current engineers-teachers.
Based on the carried out work, it is concluded that the created qualimetric model of the professional
competency of a future engineer-teacher can be used for: familiarizing students with the requirements of
professional training; assessing the level of professional competency of current engineers-teachers by
colleagues, inspectors and experts; self-assessment of their own level of professional competency;
monitoring the state of training of specialists based on the results of expert evaluation; assessing the level of
training of future engineers-teachers by stakeholders.

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