The modern education system is oriented towards a mandatory combination of theoretical and practical
teaching methods. Each of the currently existing educational and vocational training programs (EVTP) offers
students a list of internships that should deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained during
classroom classes, and therefore contribute to the full formation of the graduate's basic professional
competences. Today, the programs of educational and industrial internships are constantly being improved,
taking into account the competence-based approach to education. The author of the article makes an attempt to
analyze how and with which toolkit one of the types of compulsory training (archaeological) internships
affects the formation of professional competences and the achievement of program learning outcomes of
students studying at the EVTP "Local Studies and Tourism", specialty 032 " History and Archeology".
Analyzing the program of the internship and programs of related disciplines, the author shows exactly
which competences can be formed thanks to archaeological internships. The main stages and content of the
archaeological internship, which is conducted by the teachers of the corresponding EVTP for first-year
students, are considered. The article defines the main types of work and activities that make up the content of
the archaeological internship and their influence on the development of professional competences.
Particular attention is paid to the influence of the archaeological internship on the activation of
students' educational and scientific activities and its educational significance. The internship involves
nurturing a careful attitude to historical and cultural monuments and their rational use, familiarization with
measures to protect the surrounding environment and historical heritage, etc. Students learn to treat historical
and cultural heritage with respect, realize the role that proper field research plays in its preservation. In the
article, attention is also focused on the skills necessary for the further professional and everyday life of
specialists that this type of internships develops. It can be said with certainty that archaeological internship
contributes to the formation of a number of important personal qualities necessary for any specialist, and
allows students to demonstrate their creative and organizational abilities.

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