The authors prove that in the process of education internationalization it is important to form general
and special competencies, self-organization and self-improvement skills of all representatives of the
education sphere and increase the efficiency of interaction between scientists, teachers and students of
domestic and foreign higher education institutions. This is possible on the basis of successful cooperation
between them. A number of scientific research works of domestic and foreign strategists on the organization
of cooperation at the international level were analyzed. The meaning of the concept “strategic alliance” was
defined, the content and features of the concept “strategic educational alliance” were analyzed. The
feasibility of international strategic educational alliances and the relevance of their formation in Ukraine
were determined. The process of internationalization of education is proved to include such forms of
international cooperation as mobility of graduates and teaching staff; integration of educational programs; institutional partnerships that contribute to the creation of strategic educational alliances. Interaction and
cooperation within the framework of strategic educational alliances is the most flexible form of integration of
education institutions into the transnational education space, which at the same time retains the right to be
independent. The development of international educational alliances with the participation of domestic
universities is confirmed to be essential, as it is aimed at strengthening the innovative potential of the
European and national education spaces, encouraging innovation in higher education, business and
the broader socio-economic area, contributing to the goals and mutually beneficial results, and increasing the
chance that the Ukrainian education system will enter the global education market.

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