The article emphasizes the important role of foreign language training of master’s degree students at
higher education institutions according to the requirements of modern society for the training level of a future
specialist. Foreign language skills are considered to be one of the main cultural competencies of a master's
degree graduate; the author stresses that a new understanding of the objectives of foreign language teaching is
related to the key provisions in the modern educational paradigm, such as ensuring continuity in education,
prioritizing independent work, self-control and self-estimation, readiness to work with modern sources of
information, orienting teaching around the development of communication skills and abilities. The concept of
students’ independent work has been considered, the goals of independent study of master’s degree students
while teaching them a foreign language course have been defined (systematization and reinforcement of
students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills, promotion of critical analysis and assessment of modern
scientific achievements, generation of new ideas to support the required research and analysis; implementation
of research activities using modern instruction tools, teaching methods, information and communication
technologies; development of the competencies and skills necessary to analyze the results of scientific research
and apply them to solve specific research problems, skill-building necessary for self-development, selfimprovement and self-realization). The work highlights the features and forms of planning the independent
work of MA students in the process of foreign languages training (thoroughly analyzing the training material,
working with authentic information sources, building a terminological vocabulary, preparing written works
(abstracts, conference papers, articles), annotating and abstracting texts for specific purposes, preparing a report
and presentation at a conference in a foreign language).
The article concludes that the effective planning of the independent study of MA students at a higher
education institution can help not only optimize its individual types, but also create conditions for increasing
the engagement, independence and responsibility of MA students, both in the classroom and outside. The
intensification of the independent study of MA students provides for the application of educational technologies
appropriate to their level with the aim of solving the task of developing a scientific thinking style, study skills
and creative activity. Individualization of the independent study of MA students promotes better educational
attainment, setting the stage for independent choice, self-determination and self-realization of students.

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