The article deals with the necessity to enhance the quality of professional foreign-language training
of future teachers of technical disciplines, based on the process of internationalization of higher technical
education and integration of technical universities into the global scientific and educational community. The
author gives the definition of professional-communicative competence, defines conditions that are necessary
for realization of professional foreign-language training of future teachers of technical disciplines. The
author highlights, that a professionally-oriented approach to foreign language teaching in technical
universities, focused on the students' ability development to communicate in a foreign language in specific
professional, business, scientific fields and situations, considering the peculiarities of professional thinking,
when organizing a motivational-incentive and research activities.
The article emphasizes the importance of designing the training program content with the use of
professional context by means of modelling the forms, conditions and content of future teachers’ of technical
disciplines professional activities; describes the means that are used to create for learning purposes the
subject and social content of future teachers’ of technical disciplines professional activities; puts a special
accent on the role of problematic -communicative tasks, namely, case studies related to future teachers’ of
technical disciplines professional activities that have to be solved by means of a foreign language. As the
author puts it, solving problematic-communicative tasks involves learners into a highly-motivated language
behavior and allows for acquiring new language knowledge and communicative skills, gradually
transforming cognitive motivation into professional one related to practical use of a foreign language in
future teachers’ of technical disciplines professional activities. It results in forming practical skills of all
kinds of speech activity. The author emphasizes that the future teachers of technical disciplines training in
the context of the communicative-cognitive approach is determined by a qualitative change in modern
requirements for the educational process organization and provides for the obligatory consideration of the
cognitive preferences and psychophysiological status of students, aimed at their holistic understanding
development of a foreign language system as well as the ability for practical communication

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