The article is devoted to the development of special tools for the implementation of education
monitoring – a factor-criterion model that can assess quality using conditional scores. The emphasis is placed
on the need to use a qualimetric approach, which makes it possible to standardize the evaluation procedure of
a fundamentally new adaptive system of master's degree training, to track the dynamics of its changes and
the real state of master's degree training. The paper considers the quality of the adaptive system of training
masters specializing in management of education institutions as a set of three components such as the quality
of conditions for training masters specializing in management of education institutions at a higher education
institution; the quality of implementation of the key training processes; the quality of the training outcomes.
These components of the adaptive system of training masters specializing in school management are selected
as factors of the corresponding qualimetric model. Each factor is decomposed by defining partial goals and
objectives and formulated criteria. The degree of manifestation of the criteria is determined by the expert
assessment by competent specialists (teachers, experts, administrators). To objectify the data, an index
estimate can be used, which calculates the degree of manifestation using questionnaires, tests, sociometric
measures as a fraction of the whole. To agree on the priorities of the participants in the educational process,
qualimetric models are supplemented by the importance of factors and criteria.
The obtained results of the proposed factor-criterion model will allow identifying weaknesses of the
adaptive system, comparing and making the average data from different areas of activity as well as tracking
reserves for improving the effectiveness of the adaptive system of training masters specializing in school
management. The paper emphasizes the expediency of using the developed model in higher education
institutions to carry out incoming and outgoing control to determine changes in the development of
educational activities of undergraduates and professional activities of teaching staff for further directions of
masters’ degree training within the adaptive system

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