An important component in the process of training of a qualified hygienist is the enhancement of practical skills in real conditions. At the same time, in the classroom, it is not always possible to reproduce real working conditions of a hygienist. The article suggests using Web-quests for modeling the virtual professional environment. A Web-Quest is used to organize an independent search activity on the Internet via several different branches of a pre-prepared route for solving a professional problem.
The result of the research is an algorithm for using a Web-Quest as a means of developing practical skills while investigating a case of food poisoning during a practical class on the discipline «Hygiene and Ecology».
The script of the Web-quest on the topic «Food poisoning of microbial and non-microbial origin», methodological recommendations for the organization of the practical class with a full description of the methodology for carrying it out, the script of the Web-quest in the form of a multimedia PowerPoint presentation were developed.In the course of the experimental verification it was proved that in the process of performing practical tasks while studying the discipline «Hygiene and Ecology» the Web-quest significantly increases not only the level of the development of practical professional skills, but also stimulates students’ active participation, creativity, independent cognitive activity and critical thinking, though only in case it is based on pedagogically grounded methodology and has sufficient methodological support.