A significant part of the enterprises of the engineering industry of Ukraine is characterized by weak
positions in the international market, outdated production technology, inefficient use of existing production
facilities, and unstable financial condition. Bringing the engineering industry to a qualitatively new level
requires training qualified specialists in machine engineering having not only a sufficient amount of
theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also possessing an ability to independently make production
decisions, be mobile, able to adapt to changing working conditions and constantly improve their professional
level, at the same time taking into consideration occupational safety and health requirements. To understand
the problem situation in the workplace and its effective solution, a mechanical engineering specialist must
have corresponding specialized professional knowledge, a high level of fundamental training, and also
demonstrate an appropriate level of occupational safety and health competence.
Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific publications, the article analyzes the approaches to the
definition of the concepts “criterion” and “indicator” in pedagogical research, and also proposes criteria and
indicators of the development of occupational safety and health competence of future specialists in
mechanical engineering, and identifies levels of its development.
Occupational safety and health competence of future specialists in mechanical engineering, which
consists of cognitive, motivational, technological and reflexive components, is characterized through
theoretical, practical and personal-motivational criteria. The need to take into account the individual
characteristics of students in the teaching and learning process gives a reason to identify four levels of the
development of occupational safety and health competence such as initial, reproductive, sufficient and
Prospects for further development of the scientific research consist in identifying the features of the
development of occupational safety and health competence of future specialists in mechanical engineering in
the process of industrial engineering internships.

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