Training of future specialist demands reorientation of the educational process towards modern
requirements of the industry, establishment of close partnership of educational institutions with industrial
enterprises, and creation of clusters. The article considers features of the organization of an educational
cluster on the example of vocational training of future specialists in design as well as peculiarities of
practical optimization of the educational process. Its application in the educational process makes it possible
to achieve joint studying of separate disciplines by students of different specialties, promotes students’
interaction while working on term papers or individual practical, laboratory, scientific and methodological
projects, helps expand borders of the educational environment, and allows transition to a more professional
level of training. The paper defines advantages of organizing an educational cluster and peculiarities of its
implementation at the selected levels of optimization of the educational process, which are as follows: level
of an educational institution, level of a structural division, specialty level, level of a training program and
level of an academic discipline. The concepts "educational cluster" and "educational cluster" are
differentiated. Special attention is directed to the organization of the research educational clusters integrating
not only students of educational institutions, but also skilled workers of the industrial enterprises, researchers
and practioners. Clusters play an important role in exchanging professional experience, implementing new
approaches, techniques and technologies of training, incorporating innovative methodological, technical
complexes and means as well as information and communication technology, presenting the outcomes of
practical approbation of new training technologies by teachers. Theoretical consideration of the features of
the organization of an educational cluster has led to a suggestion concerning its practical embodiment in the
educational process and further detailed research on the aspects of enhancing the quality of vocational
training and future specialists’ competitiveness in the modern labor market as well as improving teachers’
pedagogical skills and qualifications.

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