The article deals with the problem of forming a generalized model of the content of teaching elements
of electrical devices of industrial equipment based on a systems approach. Based on the analysis of the
literature sources on electrical engineering training of non-electrical specialties, it is shown that the result of
theoretical and practical training of future engineers should consist in their ability to choose the necessary
electrotechnical, electronic, electrical measuring devices, to operate them properly and to create, together with
electrical engineers, technical specifications on the development of electrical parts of automated production
equipment for managing production processes. It is shown that all physical elements of real electrical circuits
used in industrial equipment have signs of basic electrical parameters. Electrical parameters are characterized
by those physical phenomena that cause the processes occurring in them. Each physical element of a real
subject area can be represented as a specific connection of a certain set of ideal elements. The representation of
physical elements in design schemes depends on the frequency of the alternating current.
But all the complexity of the physical processes occurring in AC circuits should not necessarily be
taken into account in every single case. You can make a number of assumptions that greatly simplify the task
and at the same time do not lead to noticeable deviations from reality.
The importance of building generalized models of real elements of electrical devices of industrial
equipment based on the most common types of modeling, which are used in technical theories, is
substantiated. The considered approach to the formation of a three-component model of the elements and
devices of electrical equipment can be used to build a model of any educational element of the content of
electrical engineering education. This method makes it possible to formalize the modeling process by
combining its main fragments based on the proposed system approach.

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