The article is devoted to the problem of developing an adaptive educational environment in professional
(vocational) education institutions, which carry out vocational training of skilled workers in the construction
sector. The article specifies the peculiarities of training skilled construction workers. It also partially reveals the
essence of adaptive educational environment in the system of professional (vocational) education. The outcome
of the research highlights that the training of skilled construction workers in professional (vocational) education
institutions requires significant changes: updating the content of vocational training; informatization of the
teaching-learning process by the means of creating the e-learning space in each institution; reorienting the
teaching-learning process from the substantive towards competence-based approach; introducing the newest
pedagogical and production technologies; improving professional level of the teaching staff by increasing their
motivation for continuing professional development.
The survey results show the level of readiness to develop an adaptive educational environment for
participants of the teaching-learning process in professional (vocational) education institutions among the
construction professions in the Kharkiv region. The survey of pedagogical workers and students reveals a
common view on the problems among all participants of the teaching-learning process; the real situation of the
vocational training of skilled construction workers in professional (vocational) education institutions of the
Kharkiv region; the strengths and weaknesses of the organization of the teaching-learning process.
The necessity of building a new educational environment for skilled construction workers training by
improving its quality not only provides the affordable quality education for all strata of the society but also
gives the opportunity for our education to become competitive both on the regional and European labor market.