The article is dedicated to the research of the problem of developing legal competence of technology teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education. The author defines the concept of the technology teacher’s legal competence as a complex integral education of an individual, which includes professional and legal knowledge, skills and qualities that ensure the implementation of some general social and professional activities as well as narrow professional activities of a specialist within the legal framework.
The article out lines a number of peculiarities of its development in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education such as the mapping of all types of professional activities of a specialist, taking into account the experience of implementing legal activities and the profile of pedagogical work, the state of constantly changing legal regulations of the industry and public relations. The author presents a structural model of the content of the development of the technology teacher’s legal competence in postgraduate pedagogical education as a set of specific legal tasks adequately reflecting some general social and professional activities as well as narrow professional activities of the specialist.