″A Description of Professional Functions of an Engineer-Pedagogue Specializing in Transport″


professional functions
engineer-pedagogue specializing in transport
vocational training
higher engineering-pedagogical educational institution
future specialist
professional activity

How to Cite

Ivanova, A. V. (2018). ″A Description of Professional Functions of an Engineer-Pedagogue Specializing in Transport″. Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (56-57), 97–104. Retrieved from https://jped.uipa.edu.ua/index.php/JPED/article/view/162


The article deals with the specifics of engineering-pedagogical activity that consists of
organic combination of engineering and pedagogical activity functions. Basing on the analysis of
some scientific works, professional functions of an engineering industry representative are defined
in the paper. The article characterizes certain functions of pedagogical activity in the engineeringpedagogical
sphere and specifies features of vocational education aimed at training a leading
constituent part of the workforce, i.e. skilled employees for all industries of material and nonmaterial
production as well as for any other types of production activity. Taking into consideration
the essence of professional competence of a future motor transport engineer, the meaning and role
of an engineer-pedagogue are clarified in terms of vocational training of the former. The analysis
of scientific works, which was conducted to discover functions of engineers-pedagogues of
different specializations, allowed the author to single out and characterize the following
professional duties of an engineer-pedagogue specializing in transport: design-engineering,
organizational-administrative, technological, educational, and scientific-research. Each of the
defined functions envisages the presence of special knowledge and skills necessary for future
professionals which are supposed to be developed in the process of vocational training in higher
educational institutions. Defining the functions will improve the quality of the search for ways of
increasing the efficiency of vocational training of an engineer-pedagogue specializing in transport
for performing these functions.