Providing the country with effective, competitive businessmen is an urgent issue forUkrainian universities which involves the support of pedagogical science in its solution. Thearticle deals with conceptual bases for future specialists’ business competence formation inUkraine. It is established that business as a social phenomenon and the essence of the concept of"business competence" have been the subjects of research of many national and foreign scientists, but the problem of consideration of conceptual principles of future specialists’ businesscompetence formation in Ukraine has rarely been taken up, and they are still insufficientlyinvestigated. The article substantiates the expediency of making a business plan of futurespecialists’ business competence formation on the basis of factors and criteria which ensure theeffectiveness of its implementation in the process of professional training.
The study is based on an analysis of the use of the term «formation of business competence»in professional literature, which allows ascertaining the following: this definition should beconsidered as a system of pedagogical activities aimed at the development of economic thinking.The process of business training should be described in the form of professional standards in foursections: setting up in business, conducting business, developing business and going out ofbusiness. The formation of future specialists’ business competence should be consciouslyorganized as two psychological processes that occur simultaneously and in parallel: as a learningactivity that means knowledge and skills acquisition as well as an ability to apply them; and as theeducational process which means the formation of an ability of the individual to achieve his or herpotential, develop and strengthen him- or herself through the business activity.
Thus this process isbased on the implementation of the system, activity and competency approaches to theorganization of professional training. In the process of realizing the idea of future specialists’business competence formation the basic principle is humanization. The author's research into the factors and criteria of future specialists’ business competenceformation has resulted in the development of structural and functional plan, which allowsconsidering professional training as a holistic, multi-aspect process and, taking into account thetraditional didactic principles, it allows highlighting its main components: target, activity,emotional and value-based, informative and methodological. The author's further scientificresearch is related to the development of ways of implementing the model of future specialists’business competence formation in Kharkiv Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv NationalUniversity of Trade and Economics that will allow observing the dynamics of this process and aclose examination of the subject of research.