Problems commercialization of rights to objects of intellectual property

Ключові слова

intellectual property
commercialization of objects qualimetric approach

Як цитувати

Baranov, P., & Kosinska, O. (2018). Problems commercialization of rights to objects of intellectual property. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 24–31. вилучено із


The article draws attention to the need to develop methods for choosing optimal method
commercialization of intellectual property.
The authors examined the main approaches to the definition of the commercialization of
intellectual property. Analyzes modern methods of commercialization, disclosed their nature,
content, advantages and disadvantages of each. The use qualimetric approach in determining the best
way to commercialization, which is based on a quantitative method of assessing quality indicators.
Referred to in Article model is subjective, considers the indicative list of indicators, which can hold
selection mode commercialization This method makes it possible to quantitatively compare the value
of different methods of commercialization, given the different intellectual property rights and to
choose the method more effective commercialization and short-lived. This technique in the vast
majority can be applied to objects of industrial property, but it is possible also to use it for copyright,
such as database, software and more.