Philosophical Foundations concept of fundamentalization training of future specialists in information technology

Ключові слова

laws of dialectics
philosophical categories
information technology
fundamentalization professional background
training, IT specialist

Як цитувати

Bardus, I. O. (2018). Philosophical Foundations concept of fundamentalization training of future specialists in information technology. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 7–17. вилучено із


One of the challenges of training future professionals in the field of information technology
in higher education is associated with low ability of students to quickly adapt to new conditions
and self-mastery of new technologies. Fundamentalization of education based on universal general
methodological knowledge and skills allows solving this problem. The article defines
philosophical foundations of the concept of fundamentalization training future professionals in the
field of information technology on the basis of the laws of dialectics and philosophical categories.
The concept is based on three interrelated original positions: fundamentalization is a condition for
effective training; physical and technical, mathematical and informational, philosophical and
methodological subjects are fundamental training for IT professionals; system of differentiation
and integration of fundamental and technical knowledge is a condition of productive occupation.
The necessity of developing fundamentalized methodical system of training future IT
professionals was approved based on the concept of system of differential-integrative
fundamentalization of disciplines of computer direction.