Theoretical basis of the first-year student’s adaptation for the education conditions in the engineering pedagogical academy

Ключові слова

engineer and teacher
first-year students
aspects of adaptation
Internet project
educational system
engineering and pedagogical academy

Як цитувати

Paiunova, A. (2018). Theoretical basis of the first-year student’s adaptation for the education conditions in the engineering pedagogical academy. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (50-51), 350–355. вилучено із


The study devoted to the actual topic «Theoretical basis of the first-year students adaptation
to the education conditions in the engineering and pedagogical academy». The specificity of
engineering and pedagogical education was considered. Three main adaptation aspects of the firstyear
student education in the engineering and pedagogical academy were determined in the article.
The author has done a research among first-year student’s in the educational scientific professional
and pedagogical institute Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Bakhmut). The
results of pilot study were showed that said about the difficulties of the first-year students’
adaptation. The systems of psychological and educational actions for adaptations accelerate of the
first-year students were determined. Accelerate ways of the first-year students adaptation for the
education system in the engineering and pedagogical academy were suggested in the article. The
author pays special attention to the Internet project as the adaptation way of the first-year students
to the educational system in the engineering and pedagogical academy.