Philosophical and general scientific principles of teaching training development of future engineers of food technology for creative activities

Ключові слова

philosophical and general scientific principles
training of future engineers - technologists food industry
creative professional activities
categories of philosophy
material and ideal
space and time
cause and effect
necessity and chance
possibility and reality
universal and individual
content and form
essence and phenomenon
conflict and development

Як цитувати

Lazarieva, T., Koralevski, J., & Tarasuk, A. (2018). Philosophical and general scientific principles of teaching training development of future engineers of food technology for creative activities. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (50-51), 232–239. вилучено із


The philosophical and general scientific principles of design methodology of training
future engineers - technologists of food industry to creative profession were provided in the
article. Found that categories of philosophy have significant methodological value and can be
used for creative activity of future engineers the food industry. The basic philosophy
categories were considered: material and ideal, space and time, cause and effect, necessity and
chance, possibility and reality, and common identity, content and form, essence and
phenomenon, conflict and development.
It was established that the content of methodical system of training future engineers of
the food industry to the creative professional activities must be submitted integrated spatial
and logical three-dimensional models, where the first dimension is the system knowledge of
objects food industry, the second dimension is the system of criteria and parameters, and the
third measurement of a system of techniques and methods for solving creative tasks for the
development and improvement of facilities of the food industry. This model reflects the spacetime
unity declarative and procedural components of creative professional activity of future
engineers of the food industry.