ʺResults of the study on the application of the methodology of designing a personal educational environment for the vocational training of music teachers lacking primary music educationʺ
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Ключові слова

personal educational environment
vocational training of music teachers
future music teachers without basic music training

Як цитувати

Zhoga, R. . (2023). ʺResults of the study on the application of the methodology of designing a personal educational environment for the vocational training of music teachers lacking primary music educationʺ. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (78). https://doi.org/10.32820/2074-8922-2023-78-73-81


The article highlights the results of the pedagogical experiment conducted in 2020-2023 on the basis
of the Municipal establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional
Council. The study declared the presence of entrants to music faculties of higher pedagogical education
institutions who do not have initial musical training, which makes it impossible to acquire professional
competence. This contradiction was resolved through the design of a personal educational environment for
the specified category of applicants.
During the experimental work, the implementation of the methodology of designing a personal
educational environment (PEE) for the vocational training of music teachers without primary music
education was carried out in accordance with the defined areas of the PEE of the studied category of
students. The Euler-Venn diagram is used for clarity of their presentation. The spheres were defined as
activity, motivational, creative and personal.

The study of the formation of PEE was conducted on the basis of the method of examination of the
educational environment (according to V. Yasvin), according to which five diagnostic factors were
distinguished: breadth, intensity, emotionality, mobility, and dominance. Taking them into account, the
qualitative method was used. The effectiveness of the PES was checked on the basis of determining the
formation of the professional competence of the applicants of the studied category. For this, individual
educational trajectories were created. The process of forecasting an individual educational trajectory is
implemented using matrix modeling followed by the use of the «Trend Line» graph (MS Excel).
Motivational-axiological, personal-creative and cognitive-activity assessment criteria were used to
diagnose the level of formation of professional competence of the researched category of applicants.
The conclusion noted the presence of significant positive changes in the level of formation of
professional competence, which is an indicator of the effectiveness of the designed personal educational
environment for students without basic musical training.

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