Pedagogical conditions of success of professional activity of high school teacher

Ключові слова

high school teacher
successful professional activity
pedagogical conditions
professional competence

Як цитувати

Shalimova, I. M., & Shalimova, A. S. (2018). Pedagogical conditions of success of professional activity of high school teacher. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 404–409. вилучено із


The article discusses the increasing success of professional work of the university teacher. In
our opinion, the success of professional activity (SPA) of high school teacher is provided the
functioning of the pedagogical conditions: the constant improvement of professional competence
of high school teacher; the creation of the optimal pedagogical interaction at «teacher-student»
level and the creation of different types of successful situations.
It is proved that the implementation of specified pedagogical conditions will contribute to
the development of motivational, cognitive-procedural and reflexive-efficient components of SPA.
The article notes that the implementation of specified pedagogical conditions will lead to
positive changes in the structure of personality: expansion of the range of interests and changes in
the system requirements; actualization motives of professional achievements; increased demand of
self-realization and self-development; raising the level of professional competence; improvement
of skills; improvement of professionally significant qualities.
In accordance with the requirements of the organization and conduct experimental
procedure experimental work was designed and installed the main ways of its implementation.
During the experimental work were used: the rating score of students in order to identify
professional and pedagogical skills, personal qualities that they think as important for the teacher;
peer review, i.e. evaluation of teachers by teachers to identify the qualities that are most important
to them; self-teacher own teaching activities.