Forming cadets' axiological attitude in SEM of Ukraine to professional activity

Ключові слова

axiological attitude
professional activity
pedagogical condition
future officer
role play

Як цитувати

Dement, M. (2018). Forming cadets’ axiological attitude in SEM of Ukraine to professional activity. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 364–373. вилучено із


In the work forming cadet’s axiological attitude toward their professional activity in
SEM of Ukraine is grounded. The work used a set of methods of theoretical research: a
comparative analysis of scientific, educational, methodological and military literature to
determine the state of the development of the research problem; analysis of normative
documentation on the organization of the educational process of the higher educational
institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine with the purpose of determining the
essence of stimulating the cadet's axiological attitude to professional activity; classification and
systematization of different views on the problem of justifying modern trends and ways to
encourage cadets to axiological attitude toward the professional activities.
The main results of the work are: to determine the concept of cadets’ "stimulation" to
professional activity and determination of basic means of stimulation, to analyse the principles
of understanding the term cadet’s "axiological attitude" to the profession, to elucidate the main
directions and ways of stimulating axiological attitude to cadets’ professional activity. The result
of the research is the system of means for stimulating the axiological attitude to professional
activity offered by the author such as organizational and activity-oriented and innovative role
play, disputes, training methods aimed at stimulating an axiological attitude to professional