Forming facilities of project competence for future grid automation engineers

Ключові слова

the teaching facilities
the project competence
the grid automation engineers

Як цитувати

Rudevich, N. (2018). Forming facilities of project competence for future grid automation engineers. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 309–319. вилучено із


The article is sanctified to development of teaching facilities for forming of project
competence for future grid automation engineers on the basis of cause and effect model of
knowledge and corresponding teaching methodologies. The teaching facilities are worked out for
the study of realization of tasks of including on parallel work, liquidation of the asynchronous
mode and protecting from the coil shorting of synchronous generator. The teaching facilities are created taking into account the features of construction of basic types of control system by the
objects of grids, namely automatics of the normal modes, anti-fault automation and relay
protection. The teaching facilities are worked out according to the basic stages of teaching method
for forming of project competence for future gridautomation engineers: acquaintance with the
object of management; forming of knowledge, abilities, skills on determination of requirements,
setting, principle of action and structure of making elements of control system; forming of
knowledge, abilities, skills on determination of realization and parametersof making elements of
control system.