Some Charasteristics of Teaching History in Special Educational Institutions

Ключові слова

teaching methods
development of memory
extracurricular activities

Як цитувати

Lipeyko, V. F., Maslovska, Y. S., Chuvpylo, R. I., & Chuvpylo, A. A. (2018). Some Charasteristics of Teaching History in Special Educational Institutions. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 302–308. вилучено із


The article analyzes the psychological characteristics of teaching history in special
educational institutions and the training of future graduates for admission to higher education
institutions. The actuality of the research related to the process of improving teaching methods in
high school. Both general (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, specification) and special
pedagogical, neuropsychological and educational methods are used. As a result of study the
neuropsychological properties of assimilation of information by teenagers and dependent of
learning process on neurophysiology are analyzed. The properties of memory, methods of its
training and improvement are shown. It is recommended to pay attention to the development of the
emotional center of the brain that is directly related to long-term memory. The authors distinguish
a number of factors that contribute to the development of memory, offering didactic methods of
training. The role of extracurricular activities in the increasing interest in the subject and
expanding world of students is considered. The practices of stimulation mental processes,
educational games, contests, drawings, application of classical music, holding events during the
history teaching are shown. The authors conclude that only comprehensive application of
pedagogical and psychological methods, taking into account the individual child can bring results.