Formation of professional competence of students with active teaching methods

Ключові слова

active teaching methods
method of teaching
pedagogy of higher education
the first pre-medical аid

Як цитувати

Kashuta, V. E., & Ryabovа О. О. (2018). Formation of professional competence of students with active teaching methods. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 288–293. вилучено із


In the article theoretically grounded and developed a method of forming professional
competence students of National University of Pharmacy on the subject "The first pre-medical аid"
with active teaching methods means and make an assessment of its effectiveness.
Much attention is paid to technique workshops. In order to enhance learning in the
classroom applies solving situational tasks, practical skills to provide the first pre-medical aid,
solving tests.
We have developed a method of forming professional students' competence of active
teaching methods has significantly increased cognitive activity of students and increased interest in
the study of the discipline. During checking the effectiveness of the training methodology
developed by us, it was revealed that the quality of the success of students' training was increased
in comparison with the traditional teaching methods, which confirmed the effectiveness of the
developed teaching methodology. The perspective is to further the implementation of active
teaching methods in the teaching process.