Formation of Hermeneutic Competence of Managers of International Affairs

Ключові слова

hermeneutic competence
managers of international affairs
higher education
information economy
actual task
professional competence
educational process

Як цитувати

Davydova, Z. (2018). Formation of Hermeneutic Competence of Managers of International Affairs. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 263–268. вилучено із


The article grounds the topicality of the problem of hermeneutic competence formation for
future managers of foreign economic affairs in the educational process of a university. The
peculiarities of future specialists’ activity are reviewed. The objective factor lies in the increase of
information volumes and transfer to information economy. This determines the necessity of
formation of corresponding competencies to provide competitiveness at the labor market and
effectiveness in the professional activity. These peculiarities determine the acuteness of
transformation of current educational process on training managers of foreign economic affairs,
adapted to new conditions. Its task is formation of a specialist’s professional competence which is
based on the ability to work effectively with information and to interpret it. Analysis of the current
situation demonstrated that not enough attention is paid to the task of forming hermeneutic
competence. The contradictions are determined, solving of which makes the problem actual.