Methods of forming foreign students’ information culture during pre-professional training in Ukrainian universities

Ключові слова

information culture
foreign students
pre-professional training
teaching methods of informatics
methods of forming information culture

Як цитувати

Belikova, V., & Iakovenko, V. (2018). Methods of forming foreign students’ information culture during pre-professional training in Ukrainian universities. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 234–246. вилучено із


Relevance of the research comes from the growing influence of modern information
technologies on an individual, including foreign students, and the need to develop new, adapted to
the information society, technologies of foreign students training. The article deals with
concretization the term "foreign students’ information culture" and its structure, proving in theory
and developing the methods of forming foreign students’ information culture during preprofessional
training in Ukrainian universities; the major components of the methods (goal,
principles, contents, methods and materials) have been developed; major organizational and
pedagogical conditions of educational process optimization on discipline "Fundamentals of
informatics and computer science" are described. The article will be helpful for researchers,
teachers and specialists of higher educational institutions dealing with the problems of training of
specialists for foreign countries.