Personal cumulative factor as a basis of estimation of knowledge on professional pedagogics

Ключові слова

methodical approaches
the teacher of vocational training
personal cumulative factor
principle of systematical training

Як цитувати

Vasiliev, I. B., & Bakatanova, V. B. (2018). Personal cumulative factor as a basis of estimation of knowledge on professional pedagogics. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 227–233. вилучено із


In due time the new author’s course «Professional pedagogic» has been entered into the
maintenance of pedagogical preparation of students of engineering-pedagogical specialties.
Creation of technology of its studying has demanded working out of some methodical
approaches. In article it is defined that application of personal cumulative factor (PCF) was one
of such approaches. It has allowed making an estimation of mastering of a course integrated
(result-flowing) and students’ work regular. Thus in practice the didactic principle of a system of
training has been realized. Results of application PCF in Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical
Academy testify that in experimental groups absolute progress has raised on 18,5 %, and
qualitative – on 24 %. The subsequent check of this approach in Kazakhstan (Almaty
Humanitarian-Technical University, Kazakh National Agrarian University) also has allowed to
ascertain increase of the academic progress: absolute – on 21,7 %; qualitative – on 28,6 %. The
analysis of prospects of the further researches testifies that ПКК can be applied at studying of
any training course where it is used testing and traditional forms of control of knowledge.